Lenght of Roads on 31st December, 2004
Kilometres | Miles | |
National Primary Roads | 147.8 | 91.9 |
National Secondary Roads | 68.3 | 42.4 |
Regional | 315.9 | 196.3 |
Local Roads | 2,532.2 | 1,573.5 |
Total | 3,064.2 | 1,904.0 |
note - same as 2007/2006/2005
Road Design / Construction / Improvement / Maintenance
The total expenditure on roads in the county was € 29,961,351. An allocation of € 10,922m was provided by the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government whilst the National Road Authority allocated € 15.34m towards National Roads. The Council allocated € 2.33m from their own funds.
The major schemes undertaken included:
N8 Cullahill/Cashel - CPO confirmed by An Bord Pleanála.
N9 Kilcullen/Waterford - CPO documentation in preparation.
N77 Kilkenny Ring Road Extension - Tenders for construction received in December.
R700 Wallslough - Bennettsbridge.
Kilkenny Eastern Environs Link Road.
R910 Design - Waterford Road Traffic Management Scheme.
Design - Kilkenny Inner Relief Road.
Graiguenamanagh By-Pass - CPO confirmed.
N9 South of Mullinavat & Mullinavat village.
N10 Kilkenny to Gowran junction.
N24 Grannagh to Ballygriffin.
Johnswell Road. Under construction. The roundabout is the largest in Kilkenny City.
Development Charges
Following the Council's adoption of a new Development Contribution Scheme in 2003 a sum of € 800,000 allocated to roads from this scheme was spent on improving regional and local roads during 2004.
Community Involvement in the Road Works Scheme
Total number of roads repaired | 19 |
Total length of roads repaired | 11.056 |
Total number of residents who benefited | 62 |
Total expenditure incurred | € 595,399 |
Local Improvement Schemes
This scheme refers to non-public roads serving two or more separate agricultural holdings. A local contribution of at least 10% of the cost of improvement works required and the balance is charged to the Local Improvement Scheme grant from DOELG.
Total number of roads repaired | 7 |
Total length of roads repaired | 2.088 |
Total number of beneficiaries | 36 |
Total expenditure incurred | € 165,804 |
Total value of local contributions | € 20,807 |
Section of Mullinavat Village Improvement Scheme
Public Lighting
Kilkenny County Council maintains over 6,000 lights.
Cost of electricity / maintenance / upgrade € 579,000.
In 1996 a decision was taken to upgrade all public lighting in the county from Mercury to sodium lights and a contract was entered into with the E.S.B. to upgrade same and provide infill lighting to be funded over a five year period. The works were completed in May 2000. In 2004 Kilkenny County Council agreed to a four year programme for public lighting.
Service Indicators
- Area of local and regional surfaced dressed: 918,278 sqm.
- % local and regional surface dressed: 7.0%
(R-L) M. Malone (County Manager), R. Aylward (Cathaoirlach) and M. Mullally (County Secretary) applying the County seal on the M8/N8 CPO Documentation
New Road CPOs; (R-L) Michael Malone; Billy Mernagh; Mary Hilda Cavanagh (Cathaoirleach); John McCormack; Anne Delaney
Road Safety
Kilkenny County Council completed 9 Low Cost Remedial Schemes in 2004. The value of these schemes totalled € 169,250 - 4 were funded by NRA on National Roads and 3 were on Non National Roads. The works involved improving the road marking, traffic signs and lighting at high accident location sites.
The following are the latest Road Traffic Accidents statistics for Kilkenny for 2003:
No of Accidents per 1,000 Population | 1.3 | National Average | 1.5 |
No. of Accidents per 1,000 Reg. Vehicles | 2.5 | National Average | 3.1 |
No. of Accidents per 10 million Veh. Kilometers of Travel | 1.1 | National Average | 1.6 |
Kilkenny County Council continues to emphasise the importance of safety on our roads by means of education, accident prevention and publicity.
Motor Taxation Statistics 2004
Amount Collected | 14,622,056 |
Number of Vehicles Taxed | 41,243 |
Driving Licences | 12,368 |
Trailer Licences | 62 |
Certificate of Roadworthiness | 4,152 |
Annual Discs Issued | 27,621 |
Half Yearly Discs Issued | 12,174 |
Quarterly Discs Issued | 30,140 |
Motor Taxation Service Indicators 2004
Percentage of Motor Tax applications which:
are dealt with over the counter | 75% |
are dealt with by post | 25% |
are dealt with in other ways (e.g. online, by telephone) | - |
Percentage of overall postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) from receipt of the application:
Percentage | Number | |
on the same day | 78.5% | 16,311 |
on the third day or less | 18.0% | 3,749 |
on the fifth day or less | 3.1% | 616 |
over five days | 0.5% | 97 |
32.5 hours.
opening hours: 9.30 am. to 4.00 pm (including lunch time opening).
Monday to Friday.